New technology is changing business forever. Automation will disrupt every industry in the next 50 years, and it’s happening right now. Whether you’re working in manufacturing, retail or finance — automation will change the way you work. The future of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) isn’t known yet. It depends on who you ask and…

Why Automation is the Key to Fixing Prior Authorization
“Prior authorization” is a term that many of us don’t understand, but we’ve all had to utilize it at least once. It’s the process by which a healthcare provider requests permission from health insurance providers to approve a certain procedure or prescription therapy before it’s performed so that they are covered by their insurance. We…
A Complete Guide to Retail Automation Solutions and Strategies
In the retail industry, automation can help you get faster, but there are many more benefits to consider. It helps your retail company in almost every way. It gives you the tools you need to make your brand more relevant to your customers. Traditional retailing takes a lot of work and time, which makes it…