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Implementing GS1 Standards to Improved Traceability

Implementing GS1 Standards to Improved Traceability

The objective of implementing GS1 standards Global Traceability Standard ( GTS) is to help organisations and diligence in the design and perpetration of traceability systems grounded on the GS1 system of norms. At a strategic position, this standard aims to give crucial perceptivity and knowledge for organisations or diligence that are developing long- term traceability goals.

Also read: The Importance of Traceability in Manufacturing 

What is Traceability?

Traceability is the capability to trace the history, operation or position of an object  When considering a product or a service, traceability can relate to

  • origin of accoutrements and corridor;
  • recycling history;
  • distribution and position of the product or service after delivery.

GS1’s approach to enabling supply chain traceability is concentrated on the use of open norms to give visibility of objects that are applicable to supply chains. This blog is intended to help organisations and diligence to achieve global supply chain traceability by implementing GS1 standards:

  • furnishing a methodology for organisations to use when developing conditions for the design of traceability systems that fit their  requirements and  objects.
  • Serving as the foundational starting point for sector-specific, indigenous and original  norms and guidelines.
  • Enabling successful and practical communication across supply chains by furnishing  harmonious ways to identify traceable objects and to  produce and partake norms- grounded data about the movements or events of those objects over the course of their continuance.
  • Enabling scale and relinquishment by applying being and proven norms, and so avoid  fractured approaches to use cases beyond traceability.

Implementing GS1 Standards

GS1 norms constitute a common digital business language that creates the conditions for global trade. It enables traceability in value chains, increased effectiveness, sustainability and safety for companies, consumers and society. With GS1 norms, products, packaging, packages, shipments, locales and much more admit unique digital individualities and a structured language for data sharing between systems.

Knowing About Implementing GS1 Standards

US GS1 is a definite association that promotes cooperation among diligence to enhance supply chains. It’s the world’s most considerably enforced supply chain standard system. In 1974, the association was innovated after the preface of new disruptive technology the barcode. GS1’s  charge was, and still is, to ameliorate the  effectiveness of the supply chain and support members in their growth. It has grown from a collection of basic barcode norms to a language that allows for capturing,  relating, and participating important business information at all stages of the commerce process.

Today, GS1 services further than 2 million companies across 25  diligence (including apparel and healthcare) in 150 countries. Its services are delivered by 112 indigenous associations that give Identifiers to its members and promote product verification  norms. As a result, GS1 identifiers get scrutinized more  constantly than any search on Google (5 billion).

GS1 makes it possible for nearly all businesses dealing or producing goods to now connect to the internet and make their products smarter by using GS1 specifications.

How to Ensure Data Security in Your Traceability System

Benefits of GS1, US Norms Initiative

Organizations can hold an essential part in shaping the future of the food service sector and its value chain by being a division of the Food service US norms Initiative. Businesses will have the  occasion to see firsthand how GS1 norms work for business  enhancement by entering GS1 US enabled education, support services, and skills.

Also, a cohesive working setting with peers, trading partners for literacy and sharing stylish practices in functional enhancement may lead to new openings that can give  ultramodern results for business problems.

How Can GS1 US Boost Supply Chain Visibility?

GS1 US has concluded the original stage of a multiphase evidence of principle centered on supply chain visibility, results that leveraged cloud computing, blockchain, and other traceability technology. Multiple traceability platforms can now  communicate and give information concerning a product’s advancements along the  supply chain, enabling end to end food traceability.

FoodLogiQ and IBM Food Trust banded to produce and target the data sharing in the seafood supply network between four traceability systems using GS1 norms. The group discovered that harmony among results was attainable using the norms for unique identifications of products and places using the GS1 Electronic Product Code Information Services – EPCIS ( a standardized data model).

EPCIS provides a harmonious format to partake event details data and convey essential information from product until trade. This includes slightly easing the transmissions of important tracking developments like whether a product was transported, entered, packed or, converted.

GS1 US and the four companies that give  results and assiduity collaborators (including suppliers, distributors, retailers, and food service drivers) will work inclusively in the following evidence of conception phase to apply EPCIS. They will also explore ways EPCIS can be developed further beyond this for real world product persisting. Before going on to the ensuing stage, the group will probe cases that  relate to norms for tracking and any assiduity-specific demands to allow interchangeability.

The evidence of conception will be concentrated on validating and defining assiduity data conditions. The coming phase of GS1 US will examine data conditions to determine if any new protocols or norms can be  employed to interoperate to allow access, privacy, and warrants. Latterly phases will  concentrate on the operation of distributed tally technologies in more complex use cases. The collaboration, according to GS1 US, will maintain a  harmonious approach as traceability norms and associated technologies, similar as blockchain evolve.

Also read: Traceability Solutions for Food and Beverage Packaging Industry


Visibility allows you to  give translucency and traceability by furnishing information that consumers and trading partners can calculate upon to make informed and effective opinions. GS1 norms are the base for global visibility results that use a wide range of information sharing mechanisms, including blockchain.

Numerous companies from different diligence partake information to traceability using GS1 norms. This allows for a  harmonious global frame anyhow of product type, channel, or technology provider. Data is the ultramodern currency. GS1 norms are the means of achieving their full eventuality. Businesses can make data deduced from the GS1 standard more accessible for their products to reach new markets briskly, increase consumer trust, ameliorate the consumer experience, gain perceptivity and streamline business processes.