The Extended DisMax (eDisMax) query parser is an improved version of the DisMax…

The DisMax Query Parser – Ultimate Solr Guide
The DisMax query parser is designed to process simple phrases (without complex…
The Standard Query Parser – Ultimate Solr Guide
Solr’s default Query Parser is also known as the “lucene” parser. The…
Aeologic & Spicejet — The Beginning of an Era for Drone Deliveries
It’s 2020, I guess most of us already aware of what Drones…
How AI is Helping Scientists in the Fight Against Covid-19
From March 10 to May 5, 2020, the world has seen the…
Global Organizations Turning to RPA to Respond to COVID-19 Pandemic
The world is a whole new different place now. Employees no longer…
Solutions Blockchain and AI can Bring in Response to the Deadly Wuhan Virus Outbreak
The Wuhan virus or COVID-19, has struck every country. From what, it…
Indexing and Searching Nested Documents in Solr – Ultimate Solr Guide
Hi All, Today I will be writing about another important aspect of…
How 3D Printing, AI, and Blockchain Address Supply Issues During COVID-19
What appeared to be science fiction and a gut-wrenching theory, have now…