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Artificial intelligence in the future

The Role Of Artificial Intelligence In Future Technology

Role of AI in future technology will be more impactful than today, not only that. In fact, this technology will rule the tech world of the future. In this blog, you will learn about the upcoming trends AI will bring.

So, let’s get started!

In the coming future, artificial intelligence will have a more significant impact on everyday lives, and it could contribute up to trillions of dollars to the global economy by that time.

Role of AI in Future Technology

There will be some major role AI artificial intelligence in the future –

AI In The Future Will Reach Human-Level Intelligence

According to technologists and futurists, artificial intelligence will reach human-level performance in the coming years. This will be determined when AI is able to successfully pass various types of tests. However, private cooperation would probably own the algorithm behind this AI. This algorithm wouldn’t be shared with the public for quite a while.

AI-Driven Assistance

Artificial intelligence in the future will enable most people in developed countries to adopt AI assistance to improve the quality of their lives. AI assistance like Alexa, Apple HomePod, and google home, and will expand in functionality. They will eventually travel beyond the home and become a cognitive prosthetic 24*7 depending on what permission you grant to it. This software will be able to listen to all the human conversations, read their emails, monitor their blood chemistry and so forth. With access to all this data, the AI-enabled software will learn human preferences and anticipate their needs and behaviors. AI assistants will also shop for humans, monitor their health and help them problem-solve in support of their mid and long-term goals. They may also exist in the form of operating systems that can connect to multiple devices.

Artificial Intelligence In The Future Will, Be Human Collaborative

In the future, AI will become a critical part of our day-to-day operations. We’ll be supporting employees, creative activities, generating new ideas and tackling previously unattainable innovations. In some places, implementing artificial intelligence will even become required. For example, they’re already excellent AI tools used for creative professions.

Devices With Intelligence

The price of specialized machine learning chips is dropping rapidly with rising global demand. Specialized AI chips could reach as low as too few dollars, which will enable affordable AI for toys, appliances, drones, video game controllers and more. This will be further made possible by the explosion of low-cost microscopic sensors and the deployment of high bandwidth networks. Also, specialized chip sales for AI will grow by billions of dollars in the coming years. In the future, children’s toys could remember faces and names using facial and speech recognition and anticipate human needs using predictive algorithms.

Autonomous Automobiles

It might drive better than humans because of advances in AI.  Fully autonomous vehicles could be fully operational in at least some geographical areas in the next decades. Although some experts believe that could take a few more decades. Either way, they could lead to a gradual decrease in the overall transportation costs. In affected geographical areas and the grassroots disruption of industries such as urban planning, delivery services, trucking and more.

AI Will Improve The Quality Of Medical Treatments

AI will currently be used to understand how a person’s genetics, environment and lifestyle can help determine the best approach to prevent or treat certain diseases. Digital therapeutics, custom-designed drugs, and improved diagnoses are already making treatments more accurate, affordable and accessible. Artificial intelligence is likely to be adopted as an aid rather than a replacement for human positions. In addition to enhancing physicians’ diagnosis, it will also continuously learn and improve as it is used in a variety of medical situations. The continuous interaction between human physicians and AI power diagnostics will help enhance the accuracy of their systems. Over time, we give humans enough confidence to let AI systems operate autonomously. All of this will help humans to live a long and healthier life.


To sum up, the role of AI in future technology will impact every industry in the world. Making them more efficient and effective by optimizing their productivity. People in the future will depend upon the comfort they get from the use of AI in their daily lives. Are you looking forward to implement AI in your business? If yes, so, please feel free to contact us at support@aeologic.com