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Why Use Xamarin for Cross Platform Development

Why Use Xamarin for Cross Platform Development?

Chrome, Firefox, Instagram, with many several other applications have established that cross-platform development is the eventual solution to users & investing organizations. Cross-platforms tools are offering a higher audience reach and a native UI experience to users with a comparatively limited budget. Therefore, we will discuss the use of Xamarin for cross platform development.

However, you should choose a suitable UI framework for making the most of your cross-platform project. A pathetic UI will eventually lead to a difficult experience for the end-users. Therefore, driving the app into deletion taking no more time.

Thanks to the greatly competitive surrounding, there is no inadequacy of certain frameworks for cross-platform development. Nevertheless, among the given number of options, the use of Xamarin for cross platform development is proving its worth over the years. Furthermore, Statista states that globally, around 11% of the projects in  2021 were implementing the use of Xamarin for cross platform development.

There are a number of reasons why Xamarin is the best choice. However, following are our top reasons for the use of Xamarin for cross platform development should be your top choice too!

Uses of Xamarin for Cross Platform Development

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Code Reusability: Write Once Use Everywhere

One of the most challenging factors for investing in a cross-platform framework like Xamarin is to share business logic between contrasting mobile platforms. With the use of C#, you are able to employ any code you write on Android and iOS with minimum changes. Therefore, as a result, it helps in reducing development time. And therefore, implies lesser code maintenance in the future.

Highly Safe and Secure

As a cross-platform project, you may be wanting to make sure that your application is probably safe and secure. The foremost way for doing that is with authentication and end-to-end encryption. Moreover, with solutions like Azure Active Directory and Azure Key Vault (both of which are with every Xamarin license), developers are able to well protect their applications. That too, without worrying of expensive misconfigurations or vulnerabilities.

On-Time, On Budget

Possibly one of Xamarin’s most attractive advantages is that it helps in allowing you to speed up software development projects from start to finish. Eventually, it helps in decreasing development cost. And thus, boosts performance by coding once however, running everywhere.

With C# At its core, mobile projects are getting built quicker than ever. It is because of the fact that developers do not have to concern about cross-platform support. Furthermore, it costs less for Xamarin to develop apps. Due to lesser maintenance fees and fewer bugs from similar source codes being ported over different platforms.

Scale Without Limits

Scaling an app across platforms can be a difficult challenge. However, with the use of Xamarin for cross platform development, you can make your cross-platform apps look and experience consistent on all devices. It helps in enabling you to make apps that are able to run on iOS, Windows Phone, Android, or Mac without considerabl issues. On the other hand, your end-users will also enjoy a more smooth experience across devices that may not be having a familiar operating system.

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Subsequently, one app with multiple interfaces will enable you to reach out to millions of possible customers globally. In addition, it is:

Easy To Deploy: With Microsoft Visual Studio integration into the system, you will be able to deploy coherent to each and every platform. That too, without spending months of development time on each release.

High Performance

One of Xamarin’s biggest attraction feature is its potential for compiling high-performance native applications. Since C# is gathered from Microsoft’s .NET platform, developers are able to therefore, implement all of them. NET’s available APIs and libraries for higher productivity.

It results in more performant apps and enables you to implement Visual Studio and the coding features. Therefore, you can speedily edit, debug, test, and deploy your app across a number of platforms with ease.

Objective C and Swift are Supported Languages

With the use of Xamarin for cross platform development, apps can be written integrating standard languages such as Objective C and Swift. It helps in making them in finding developers with experience writing iOS or Mac apps more accessible. In addition, developers who are using these languages will experience comfort in writing apps in any of these languages.

On the other hand, if a developer has only written Objective C/Swift code earlier. There will be less of a learning curve with Xamarin as compare to other cross-platform development tools. Such as Phonegap or Cordova.

Also read: Benefits of UI/UX Design Services for Your Business


Many people and businesses are embracing cross-platform mobile app development. As it is allowing them to swiftly develop a feature-rich app without beginning from scratch multiple times.

If you don’t want to create two app versions from scratch, connect with us to schedule a free call with our industry expert.