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Best Strategies to Improve Employee Productivity

Best Strategies to Improve Employee Productivity


Right now,  adding employee productivity in the organization can be  tough. The organization has experienced some drastic changes over the last few years time, some which may change the way in which we work ever. For  numerous workers, getting used to this way of working can be challenging. Therefore, in this blog we will be pinning down the best strategies to improve employee productivity for an organization.

In nearly all fields the average worker is productive for 60 or lower each day with numbers decreasing for office workers who are only productive for two hours, twenty three minutes each day. That is a whole lot of wasted time each day.

Also read: How to Improve Your Work- Life Balance Today

What Is Employee Productivity?

Employee productivity is the machine on which a business thrives. Put simply, it’s a measure of how important work a worker delivers within a specific time frame. Productive workers concentrate on the right effects at the right times. There’s  veritably little wasted time, and the work they do creates the results you want. A  crucial factor in productivity is difficult and it’s vital, not just for maintaining a company’s bottom line. However, also for  reliance and thickness. Knowing your company’s output makes it easier to  forecast and plan for your business.

What Factors Affect Your Team’s Productivity?

There are several factors that may affect your employee’s productivity situations. Nonetheless, there are 4 main factors that you could fluently change to help improve productivity in the plant.

  • Work  environment
  • Defined  targets
  • Employee Wellness
  • Training

The Significance of Employee Productivity

Your  workers are an integral part of your business. Thus, each group member should be contributing to overall success by adding value to their places. Employee productivity is essential to insure the success of any business.

Best Strategies to Improve Employee Productivity: Our Top 5 Tips

Once you have recognized why your group outcome situations may be low, the next step is to suppose about a result to the problem. Oak’s Mental Health Report identified that  nearly a fifth of those who suffer health issues at work do because of burnout. In fact, burnout is a huge factor that affects employee productivity situations. And it’s clearly something that can be dived  head- on.

We have put the best strategies to improve employee productivity situations in the organization, with a mix of short and long term approaches.

Improve Employee Onboarding

A number of employers still have the mindset that formerly a contract is inked, they are guaranteed the loyalty of their new workers. This traditional working situation no longer applies to the talent of the new generation. It requires an effective onboarding program to successfully integrate them into the company culture. Glassdoor  mentioned that organisations with a strong onboarding process improve new hire retention by a whopping 82 %. The  introductory  elements of effective onboarding  correspond of  expansive training, feedback, check- ins, and hands-on support. As well as this, it’s important for a company intranet to make it quick and easy for  workers to learn as  important about their associates as possible.

Stop Micromanaging

Numerous managers and team leaders suppose that micromanaging and delegating tasks to workers is the key to enhancing productivity. However, in reality, this could not be further from the reality. Employee empowerment is where a business places trust in its workers to control their own tasks and day- to- day conditioning in the organization.

Although  numerous businesses may be terrified at the study of leaving their workers to manage their own tasks, empowered workers are more likely to be productive and 23 % are more likely to offer ideas and  results to their group.

Encourage Flexible Working and Time Off

As flexible working patterns arise, further companies should be open to the occasion of  flexible working. This gives your workers the inflexibility in when, where and how you work, to suit their requirements and have a more structured work life balance to increase employee well being. An  flexible organization empowers your team to take power of  systems, manage their own time, and work according to their strengths. A report by academics at Cardiff and Southampton universities suggested the  majority of people working from home are as productive, if not  further.

Encouraging your workers to take time off will eventually increase your entire team productivity. However, their capacity to concentrate and quality of work will be affected. If your people are spending hours on end working and not giving themselves a break.

Hire People, Not CV’s

It can be easy to get caught up in an outdated and traditional hiring process where good education, applicable job experience and the right chops sets is all you look for. Still, there’s another criteria that’s inversely as important, if not further. Culture fit.  Communicating your company’s culture from the beginning helps a seeker understand what they can anticipate as an employee. Therefore, they are able to make an well informed decision on whether to accept the job offer. However, workers are more likely to leave the company or be relatively unproductive, causing conflict in the organization. If this is not discussed and culture fit is not a part of your hiring strategy.

Encourage Team Collaboration

Advanced  situations of  invention lead to increased productivity and business growth. As a result,  enforcing a digital,  collaborative organization is vital for any company looking to completely  unite their team.  Having a mobile app for your company intranet is also a good way of participating company news with social feeds and timeline features it enables your organisation to apply changes or gather  precious hand feedback, eventually  perfecting  team productivity.

Also read: Smart Ways to Improve your Work-Life Balance


The best strategies to improve employee productivity is discussed in this article that will help you to organize your work-life balance. There’s no uncertainty that several businesses may be experiencing an employee productivity decline in quality. However, this phase does not have to be permanent. Once you have established the fundamental cause for the absence of productivity in the workplace. You need to make sure that you take the appropriate and relevant steps to tackle the problem. And bring in the correct solution for your employees.

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