In the food sector companies must guarantee and certify the quality and freshness of the products. This brings certain problems for the industry, along with those caused by communication with suppliers or distribution times. This is why RFID used in the food chain for traceability is so important. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, consumers were becoming…

Best Ways RFID Helps Increase Confidence in Food Safety
The worldwide focus on the food supply chain has changed over the years. In recent years, we have seen an upswing in food-related health events and incidents that heighten public concern about the safety of food. In this article, we’ll explore the best ways RFID helps increase confidence in food safety. Consumers and retailers are…
Smart Restaurant System with RFID Technology
RFID or Radio Frequency Identification technology utilizes radio frequencies for targeting objects. It is a trending technology. Almost every industry is using it around the globe, as this is based on wireless communication and operates beyond the line of sides. Restaurant system with RFID is improving their management. As well as also enhancing the customer…
How Smart Farming Is Changing The Future Of Food
The farming industry is implementing latest technologies which are termed smart farming systems to enhance the efficiency of their work. In this blog, we’ll let you know how the implementation of a smart farming system will transform the future of agriculture. So let’s begin! What Is The Need For Smart Farming System? In food production…
5 Ways RFID Tags Are Used In The Food Industry
RFID technology is considered to be the best in the industry when it comes to better handling of raw materials and finished products in the food industry. Traditionally, barcodes have been used to give an identification of an individual product. RFID has been evolved drastically and now considered to be the advanced technology that has…