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Improving Mine Site Safety With RFID Technology

Improving Mine Site Safety With RFID Technology

Mining is a dangerous business. Productive mine locations work all day, 24*7. They are highly examined for safety. Hence, dealing with shipments worth millions of dollars. The smallest amount of mistake, accident, or inefficiency can have huge repercussions for mine workers. And the mining company too. Hence, making their operations safe, secure, and more efficient. Therefore, improving mine site safety with RFID technology. That’s why growing mining firms around the globe are turning to RFID systems.


Mine site safety with RFID technology is being incorporated into the mining businesses. Since safety is established as the topmost priority of all mining companies. However, keeping a record of people around the site can be a personnel-intensive, time-consuming and expensive undertaking. Thus, it distracts attention from an enterprise’s primary business activities. However, using RFID in mining is building a cheaper, safer, and less personnel-intensive safety system for mine sites across the countries.

Well-placed RFID readers are having the potential for tracking the movement of all workers. Since the workers are tagged with inexpensive, durable, lightweight tags. The RFID system can be connected with air quality sensors and controlled explosion schedules. Implying that any worker in the wrong place can be identified, contacted, and eradicated from danger. Also, tagging safety equipment and tools. Thus, in the event of an accident workers can be directed to refuge chambers, life-saving gas masks, and the best location for rescue or escape.

Also read: How Airlines Track Bags and Avoid Losing Baggage with RFID


The Institute of Security Studies generated a report on the mine theft. The report revealed that 73% of thieves in platinum mines and 41% in gold mines were done by the company they were stealing from. Another aspect of the mine site safety with RFID technology is security. However, companies executing RFID systems are making sure that unauthorized personnel is prevented from entering restricted areas.

Moreover, in the event of a theft, RFID technology helps in retracing the movement of tagged employees for narrowing down potential suspects. External security breaches by thieves or anti-mining extremists can result in delays, injuries, or damage to valuable tools. RFID readers and tags can be used to control and monitor entry to a site. Therefore, preventing equipment from being used without permission. It makes sense that RFID systems are being applied by the most security-conscious mining enterprises.


Productive mines function all the time, 24/7, 365 days a year. Any disorganization will be resulting delays and decreasing profits. If a digger digs at the incorrect location, a truck takes the wrong direction or a miner can’t find the tool he/she is looking for, its consequences in delays that can cost the mining company thousands of dollars. Mine site safety with RFID systems can facilitate tracking the location of all-important equipment to reduce delays caused by human faults. And thus, optimizing activities for increasing profit.

In addition, RFID systems can considerably help in decreasing maintenance downtime. And potentially saving millions of dollars for mining businesses. By accurately tracking the usage patterns of machinery around the location, fluid changes, replacement parts, fueling, and general maintenance can be better scheduled to decrease downtime. And hence keeping operations running smoothly. Considering the relative affordability of RFID systems, incorporating RFID technology in the mining business is a wise decision for ambitious and leading companies.

Also read: How RFID is Helping Solve Luggage Problems at Airports


Because of the RFID technology, which does not need line-of-sight, tags will be captured regardless of obstructions, adverse weather conditions, blind spots, or poor visibility. Each and every tag can be specifically identified and linked to individual people.

For further information, please get in touch with Aeologic Technologies.  


What are some of the safety measures that must be taken in a mine?

Following are the safe mining practices:

  • Prioritizing Planning
  • Maintaining Rigorous Standards
  • Wearing Personal Protective Gear
  • Paying Attention to Equipment Upkeep
  • Improving Visibility
  • Taking Lifting Precautions
  • Managing Vibration and Noise Levels
  • Accounting for Harsh Temperatures

What are the functions of RFID tags in the mining industry?

The implementation of Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) in the mining industries includes control of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), control of personnel to avail access to mining sites, and RFID solutions for tracking explosives.