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The Role of Technology Solutions in Urban Development

The Role of Technology Solutions in Urban Development

Urban planners are developing open land and existent areas of a city. For developing land, urban planners are integrating goal settings, analysis, data collection, predicting, and consultation. Technology is becoming highly significant in urban planning as the outcomes of city development. As well as the and ongoing transformation, required to be anticipated. In this blog, we will focus on the role of technology solutions in urban development.

It is expected that in 2050, this number will go up to 80 percent. Cities are the focus of civilizations and power generation of economic development and innovation. Nonetheless, urban planning are facing difficulties as cities are changing into larger regions. One strategy for addressing these challenges is to hold on to new technology trends that could facilitate urban planners. In order to help in enhancing life quality in cities.

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Technology and Society

Today, technology is piercing daily life more and more. For this mentioned reason, lifestyles and work practices are transforming considerably. In fact, technology is restructuring the way people are living. The best examples are Airbnb and Uber which have re-imagined and disrupted the old-fashioned business models.

People are integrating technology such as to do list apps and dapps on a regular basis. Nobody could even wonder leaving their home without their mobile phone. Can you think of doing that?

As the number of people working and living in cities is augmenting day by day, resources are need to be consumed more efficiently. Technology is helping citizens and urban planners for using capacities and resources in a smarter and efficient way.

Entering a New Urban Era

The role of technology solutions in urban development plays a key part. Since, the arrival of the automobile needs huge readjustments in urban planning. And presented outcomes in an era of  sprawling suburbs, central business districts, and big ring roads. However, these aspects are the reason for major challenges to the urban planning process.

Today, we are again going in to a new urban age. This change is enabled by new inventions in technology and new concepts such as “Smart City” and “Industry 4.0”. These subjects are promising development and progress through technology implementation.

Also read: Role of Technology in the Government and Public Sector Undertakings

How Technology Can Help in the Urban Design Process

Technology has already been proven for supporting in the urban development process. Through technology, urban development teams can boost their effectiveness and facilitate citizens to get more included in the urban development process.

future of robotic process automation

Further difficulties of cities that urban planners are having to deal with are fast growth, climate change, transportation and growing of urban lines. Therefore, it is, vital to enhancing the role of technology solutions of urban development for deploying resources and capacities better. Some of those technologies are the following:

Technologies Deployed in the Urban Design Process

Urban planners are able to integrate technology for enhancing their urban development process and build a better city region for people to live and work.

Cloud Technology:

With cloud technology, urban development are building a database for receiving details of definite urban areas. Moreover, cloud technology are helping in planning bigger infrastructure projects.


With the help of the internet, urban developers are building cities that are remote worker-friendly. This produces results in urban concepts with less traffic congestion and better transport selection.

Internet of Things:

Several of the basic IoT tools are already in utilization. Those include smart streetlights that are switching off automatically and saving energy. Urban developers can create on those solutions and make concepts that improves the urban base.

Planning Apps:

Urban developers can make contemporary technologies as well as open data for developing inclusive and vibrant areas for residents and businesses. Planning tools such as “National Equity Atlas” and “Metro Pulse” support in the urban development process and facilitate for creating areas that the citizens of a city need.

Virtual Reality:

Virtual reality is also useful in re-creating scenarios to model urban surroundings in 3D. Through the implementation of advanced visualization techniques, urban planners are able to visualize different urban fields. In this approach, potential environmental aspects can be anticipated. This drives towards better evaluations and decisions.

Why Technology Should Focus on People and Citizens

As per the experts, new and innovative technologies can run the involvement of local residents in the development of urban zones. A huge number of people have already presented considerable interest in getting more involved in urban planning decisions. Therefore, new city aspects and development should not concentrate too much on technology. Nonetheless, technology should be strengthening the status of the residents. As well as also help in building an structure for storing data. And enabling access. This is critical when establishing voting systems or including the local residents in the structure and progression of new urban areas. May be it could work with position blockchain technology as this is still a very new subject and the potential applications in urban development are still to be investigated.

Planning Intelligent Communities

With the implementation of the role of technology solutions in urban development, urban planners are able to implement self-management measures to create smarter cities. Hence, focusing more on making communities and neighborhoods grow. In this way, cities are becoming financially more self-sufficient, sustainable, and deliver more green space. These instances are showing that technology can be utilized to build intelligent city designs. And therefore, achieving a higher degree of collaboration among residents and communities.

Also read: Role of Artificial Intelligence in Sustainable Cities

The Key Points

The role of technology solutions in urban development is very crucial in the design process. If integrated in the correct way, urban planners are able to address and solve the present urban challenges. Moreover, technology will be helping urban planners in focusing more on designing communities. And, thus, accomplish a greater degree of self-sufficiency in the urban city. Lastly, technology is deployed appropriately when it concentrates on people and local residents. In this manner, citizens can get more entailed in the urban development process. And therefore, create positively to constructing sustainable and green cities.

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