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How to Reduce Demand Forecasting Error and Uncertainty

How to Reduce Demand Forecasting Error and Uncertainty

In this composition, we are going to discuss how to reduce demand forecasting error and uncertainty. To forecast demand and plan supply needs in their own distribution centers and at client locales, distribution companies tend to depend on historical sales data, as well as a generally arbitrary deals thing for the time. For illustration, if…

How to Improve Supply Chain Visibility With Real-Time Data

How to Improve Supply Chain Visibility With Real-Time Data

The modern IT architectures, similar as stream processing and new technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI), have made it possible for logistics companies to reuse and dissect real time data in previously unimaginable ways. By using these technologies, logistics companies can gain real time visibility and a competitive edge by…

The Benefits of Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain

The Benefits of Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain

Blockchain technology in supply chain has surfaced as a game changer in supply chain operation, revolutionizing how businesses track, corroborate, and secure their sales. With its decentralized and flexible nature, blockchain offers unknown translucency,  effectiveness, and trust in supply chain processes. From enhancing traceability and reducing fraud to optimizing supply operation and streamlining logistics, blockchain…

Drug Traceability Solutions in Healthcare Supply Chain

Drug Traceability Solutions in Healthcare Supply Chain

Introduction Consumer health and safety is the basic responsibility of a pharmaceutical company. A major trouble to the assiduity’s credibility is the rampant rotation of fake products. In this composition, we will study the drug traceability solutions in healthcare supply chain is one of the most heavily regulated supply chains in the world. Also read:…

How to Reduce Waste and Spoilage in Cold Chain Logistics

How to Reduce Waste and Spoilage in Cold Chain Logistics

Introduction Every year nearly 40 million tons of food are transferred to landfills, and the U.S. spends even more than $ 218 billion annually growing, harvesting, transporting and disposing of uneaten food that  no way makes it to consumers’ plates.  This quantum of food waste is nearly unfathomable. Unfortunately, it’s also the norm. In this…

Traceability solutions for supply chains

Traceability Solutions for Supply Chains with Examples

Ever found yourself wondering where the products you buy come from or how they’re made? You’re not alone. In today’s world, consumers and businesses are increasingly interested in the journey of products from the raw materials to the finished goods. Enter traceability solutions for supply chains the superhero we didn’t know we needed. Why Is…

Benefits of RFID Asset Tracking in the Supply Chain

Benefits of RFID Asset Tracking in the Supply Chain

With the world economy uncertain more than before, supply chain businesses are increasingly concerned with enhancing the efficiency of their operations. For moving forward and remaining financially stable through the good times and the bad. They are looking to the benefits of RFID asset tracking in the supply chain for boosting the visibility of their…