Expectations of the IT Industry from Union Budget 2023

Expectations of the IT Industry from Union Budget 2023

The Union Budget 2023 will be announced tomorrow by the Government of India, which will be extremely pertinent for the IT industry. To establish some context, the global IT industry is entering a new chapter in 2023. After years of enthusiasm, particularly in the past 2 years in the immediate aftermath of Covid, the IT…

Role of the Internet of Things in Smart Manufacturing

Role of the Internet of Things in Smart Manufacturing

Manufacturing is the largest industry all over the world. We are experiencing technological revolutions in several industries, however, manufacturing is the one evolving at a fast pace. It’s the period of smart manufacturing and industry 4.0. (The fourth industrial revolution). Therefore, we will be discussing the role of IoT in smart manufacturing. But what is…

The Role of Technology in the Sports Industry

The Role of Technology in the Sports Industry

In a situation where we are increasingly associated with the digital world —via smartphones, tablets, notebooks, smartwatches, and so on—it’s not difficult to see the growing use of technology in sports. Presently, the role of technology in sports is playing an essential role, helping countless athletes, from different sports modalities, to grow their performance in…

India Developed BharOS Operating System for Smartphones

India Developed BharOS Operating System for Smartphones

B.harOS is a considerable step towards developing a robust indigenous digital setup in India. Since India developed BharOS operating system for smartphones. Here we have pinned the key points to understand more about the indigenous mobile operating system. With the target of creating a “self-reliant India,” a company that was incubated at IIT Madras has developed…

Impact of ERP Systems in Business Management

Impact of ERP Systems in Business Management

Enterprise Resource Planning, often known as ERP, is the unification of several different resources in an organization or business into a single computer system that meets the requirements of all of the various departments of that business or organization. The impact of ERP systems in business management will improve interconnectivity and communication between departments and…

Top IT Consulting Services Provider Companies

Top IT Consulting Companies Transform Your Business

Any company searching to compete in the 21st century requires a powerful digital strategy — however, developing one that stands out from the competition is simpler said than done. Devising a strong tech infrastructure and updating it for keeping up with industry standards needs a lot of work that many companies simply don’t have the…

benefits of data security in web development

Benefits of Data Security in Web Development

The word “data” is making us think of information that has been saved. It is somewhere relevant to the organization’s reputation. We can also describe it as the foundation of the company. So, securing it is as important as protecting the business’s wealth. We will be pinning down the benefits of data security in web…

Role of Geospatial Knowledge in e-Governance

Role of Geospatial Knowledge in e-Governance

The Indian government has launched the initiative of Digital India which is aiming at the reformation of public services through technology and providing electronic delivery of services. To this end, Geographic Information System (GIS), is playing an important role in helping e-governance by mapping the country, noting the changes, and understanding the complex interplay of…

Advantages & Disadvantages of Innovative Technology

Advantages & Disadvantages of Innovative Technology

How Technology is evolving very rapidly in the 21st century. It is becoming an important part of our lives. It is allowing us to share information that we would not be able to access on our own. Recently, scientists have made mankind’s highest innovation. Nowadays, everyone is using technology on a daily basis for communication,…