Bill Gates once said that information influenced changes are happening at the speed of thought. This information field is moving so fast that, any plan will become obsolete before governments can act on it. Information technology that comprises of all new commuting technologies and communications has seen tremendous growth in the last decade of the…

Top Information Technology Trends in 2020
The IT revolution drives an extraordinarily decline in cost and an accelerated increase in the overall processing power of digital technologies. Internet which has come a long way from ARPANET to the WORLD WIDE WEB, is the best example of revolutionized communication. This indicates that the Internet; the very digital institution on which the whole…
Extended Reality and Artificial Intelligence, Leading the Path of Futuristic Innovations
2019 has gone by leaving behind some intensive growth records in the field of Extended Reality and Artificial Intelligence. With few nestling projects beginning to emerge into large-scale productions, Extended Reality is helping companies change the way they do business. Companies worldwide have collectively spent over $ 86 Billion on robotics solutions and $ 770…
Implications of Game-Changing Technologies in the Services Sector
There is a difference between disruptive innovation and incremental innovation. How? Improving a candle by adding a wick that burns very slowly, is an example of incremental innovation whereas the process of inventing the electric light bulb is an innocent example of disruptive innovation. This sharp contrast is a clear indicator that technological innovation is…
Transformation of the logistics and supply chain sector with AI, IoT, and RPA
“The impact of data-driven and autonomous supply chains provides an opportunity for previously unimaginable levels of optimization.”– SupplyChain Technologies like Artificial Intelligence is taking a progressively focal role in the logistics industry. As the global logistical demands continue to become more complicated, big-data-driven applications have walked in to streamline logistics on a global scale. The…
Presence Of AI in Web Development
Introduction Artificial Intelligence in Web Development -AI enhances nowadays everything around us every next technology and gadgets have artificial intelligence involved within it. Now if we refer websites, their main focus is upon building a front end according to their business and customers they are dealing with artificial intelligence is what makes it more expressive and efficient…