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RFID Technology in Warehouse

Top 5 Reasons for Using RFID in The Warehouse

Management of inventory is very crucial to all company’s bottom lines. We have heard several times while working with the warehouse team that it is not a child’s game. The complexity in managing a warehouse is huge and sometimes beyond expectations. With best practices, we understood the core for managing inventory in a warehouse which…

RFID in Warehouse

How RFID Is Taking Warehousing to the Next Level?

Warehouse operations: a hectic and tedious job to carry out which is obviously aren’t very glamorous, but they do provide a huge impact on the business and act as a key part of the supply chain. Warehouses and local supply centres are a critical link as products move globally into the hands of customers. The…

RFID in retail

RFID in Retail : Why It’s Good for Retailers and How to Use It?

RFID in retail comprises RFID tags on products that transmit signals and are received by RFID readers which are then processed by the customized software. This enables generating real-time results for stock tracking, transactions, inventory levels or individual customer purchase order history. RFID in retail simplifies the typical and hectic retails entry process which is…

Best Used RFID Tag in Food Industry

5 Ways RFID Tags Are Used In The Food Industry

RFID technology is considered to be the best in the industry when it comes to better handling of raw materials and finished products in the food industry. Traditionally, barcodes have been used to give an identification of an individual product. RFID has been evolved drastically and now considered to be the advanced technology that has…

Healthcare RFID Solutions

How RFID Solutions Improve Patient Safety and Hospital Workflow?

Introduction Healthcare, RFID-enabled technology improves patient safety and hospital workflow. RFID technology involves real-time tracking systems thus the healthcare organization have full control over patient tracking, locate equipment and expedite care. RFID technology makes use of wireless conversation to identify and track human beings and equipment. It has been a robust adoption in healthcare in…

RFID Technology

How RFID Technology Transforms Global Supply Chains

Radiofrequency identification is a major support system that helps supply chain management. The uses of RFID in the supply chain have a significant and positive effect on the operations, as we all know supply chain operations are the backbone of every industrial segment and their functioning is crucial for business development. Studies have revealed that…

What is Solr and how it can benefit your business?

INTRODUCTION – Apache Solr is a NoSql based text search engine with the capacity to run blazing fast searches along with loads of functionalities such as faceting, grouping, collapsing, fuzzy searching, boosting, relevancy tuning, etc. Its an extrapolation of Lucene-based search and is developed based on the open-source architecture. Most businesses these days need their…

RequestHandlers and SearchComponents in SolrConfig – Ultimate Solr Guide

After the <query> section of solrconfig.xml, request handlers and search components are configured.A request handler processes requests coming to Solr. These might be query requests or index update requests. You will likely need several of these defined, depending on how you want Solr to handle the various requests you will make.A search component is a feature of search, such as highlighting or…

Circuit Breakers – Ultimate Solr Guide

Solr’s circuit breaker infrastructure allows prevention of actions that can cause a node to go beyond its capacity or to go down. The premise of circuit breakers is to ensure a higher quality of service and only accept request loads that are serviceable in the current resource configuration. When To Use Circuit Breakers Circuit breakers…