Hello everyone! We are back with another post. This time we will discuss in detail an important aspect affecting a large number of enterprise applications. Let’s face it, in today’s fast-changing world, if an organization doesn’t keep abreast with the much-needed changes in their core systems, it is quickly forgotten and it tends to lose…

mm (minimum match) parameter in DisMax Query Parser – Ultimate Solr Guide
Hi folks! We are back with another post. Today we will discuss in detail an important aspect of solr which is being used by a large number of enterprise applications. In most applications, there is a need to return a response to every query thrown at the solr engine within some workable contextual bounds. In…
Pagination of Results – Ultimate Solr Guide
Introduction Hi folks! We are back with another post. Today we will discuss in detail a very important feature of solr that is invariably used in any large enterprise applications. When we render a response from a database, we receive a large number of results based on the query fired by the user. This generates…
Highlighting in Apache Solr – Ultimate Solr Guide
Hi folks! We are back with another post. Today we will discuss in detail an important aspect of solr which is being used by a large number of enterprise applications. It not only improves the aesthetics of the applications but also provides the end-user with a clear understanding of the response that he/she is expecting….
Implications of Game-Changing Technologies in the Services Sector
There is a difference between disruptive innovation and incremental innovation. How? Improving a candle by adding a wick that burns very slowly, is an example of incremental innovation whereas the process of inventing the electric light bulb is an innocent example of disruptive innovation. This sharp contrast is a clear indicator that technological innovation is…
Transformation of the logistics and supply chain sector with AI, IoT, and RPA
“The impact of data-driven and autonomous supply chains provides an opportunity for previously unimaginable levels of optimization.”– SupplyChain Technologies like Artificial Intelligence is taking a progressively focal role in the logistics industry. As the global logistical demands continue to become more complicated, big-data-driven applications have walked in to streamline logistics on a global scale. The…
How Cities Can Capitalise on Transportation Tech
As population surges to an overwhelming number, transportation infrastructure is being threatened. How should we respond? Urban populations seem to be growing rapidly in India, and the threat to the transportation infrastructure is getting out of hands, faster than presumed. This urban sprawl adds to the already culminating congestion, further worsening air purity and deteriorating…
Near Real Time Search – Ultimate Solr Guide
Hi there! Today we will understand one of the most interesting and useful aspects of Apache Solr engine. In most real world applications, data availability is a key aspect that organisations around the globe have to account for in order to stay current with the customer’s demands. Solr, in particular, is extremely potent when it…
Setting Apache Solr in Linux – Ultimate Solr Guide
Introduction Hi there, welcome to this blog. Today, we’ll be learning how to setup Apache solr server on a regular, day-to-day used Desktop/Laptop. This is going to be a comprehensive post, covering all the steps necessary to make a solr instance run its course. So, without further ado, let’s begin! Note : In this post,…